Heather Shattuck-Heidorn awarded the Harvard Global Health Institute Fellowship

July 28, 2014

HEB graduate student Heather Shattuck-Heidorn was one of nine recipients of the Harvard Global Health Institute Planning and Research Fellowship, awarded in July 2014. The Fellowship provides $25,000 in funding for Harvard graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and Harvard-affiliated clinical trainees from across the University to support innovative research in global health.

Heather's research focuses on understanding how the early life pathogen and nutritional environment relate to later life inflammation and chronic disease risk. The Harvard Global Health Institute Research Fellowship will support her ongoing project working with immigrants from the Morona-Santiago region of Ecuador. This project was formed in collaboration with researchers who work in the immigrants’ home communities in Ecuador (Shuar Health and Life History Project, University of Oregon), and offers an opportunity to understand how immigration relates to health changes from a comparative perspective.

Congratulations to Heather!